The Segédletek (Guides) menu item has detailed guidelines with step-by-step instructions for registration.

In accordance with the provisions of operative legislation, all domestic accommodation sites, catering establishments and tourist attractions must be registered electronically in the NTDSC.

The catering establishments and tourist attractions obliged to register must do so by 1 November 2021 and start reporting data from 1 July 2023.  Accordingly, service providers must complete their registration by the start of data reporting and they must ensure that they have the catering or ticket management software suitable for fulfilling their data reporting obligations.

 Catering establishments may only be registered according to the types of  businesses specified in Government Decree 210/2009 of 29 September. Under the terms of Government Decree 210/2009 of 29 September, the notary with regional jurisdiction had to be notified of the type of catering establishment by 31 March 2021. If any service provider has not yet done this, we recommend they do so as soon as possible.

NTDSC registration includes entering the service provider’s master data,  data on the service locations, and the sectoral data of the services available at the location (accommodation, catering establishment, attraction).

  • first of all, the service provider’s master data and the service provider’s service locations must be registered,
  • then the sectoral data for the service locations must be entered.


The sectoral data can be entered and the data maintained on the SZÁLLÁSHELY, /VENDÉGLÁTÁS/ ATTRAKCIÓ (ACCOMMODATION, CATERING, ATTRACTION) interfaces after logging in to the NTDSC. Additional details are available in the ÁGAZATI ADATOK RÖGZÍTÉSE (RECORDING SECTORAL DATA) submenu.

An accommodation site, catering establishment or tourist attraction may be entered by its legal representative or the representative’s agent, after the service locations have been registered. The data recorded in the NTDSC must always be identical to the data in other official documents.


Data necessary for the registration of various economic operations


Business associations

Service providers with a data reporting obligation which conduct their activities in the form of a business association (public or privatelimited companies, limited liability companies, unlimited partnerships and limited partnerships) must enter the following data when registering in the NTDSC:

  • the tax number of the legal entity performing the activity;
  • the head office and mailing address of the legal entity performing the activity;
  • the customer portal login details (username, password) of the person performing the registration (the legal representative of the legal entity pursuing the activity).

The legal representative of the legal entity pursuing the activity may authorise other persons to perform the registration in the disposition register. Additional information is available in the documents found under the Segédletek (Guides) menu item.



Sole proprietors

If the service provider obliged to report data is a sole proprietor (self-employed), the following data must be entered when registering in the NTDSC:

  • the tax number of the sole proprietor;
  • the customer portal login details (username, password) of the person performing the registration.

Sole proprietors may authorise other persons to perform the registration in the disposition register.



Private individuals with tax numbers

If the service provider obliged to report data is a private individual with a tax number, the following data must be entered when registering in the NTDSC:

  • the tax number;
  • the customer portal login details (username, password) of the person performing the registration.

Private individuals with tax numbers may not grant authorisation in the disposition register: they must register themselves with their own customer portal usernames and passwords.



Other organisations

If the service provider with a data reporting obligation pursues its activities as some other kind of organisation (e.g. budgetary body, foundation, association, church, etc.), then the following documents must be produced and uploaded to the NTDSC when registering the service provider:

  • a specimen signature certifying right of representation or a signature specimen certified by a lawyer;
  • if registration is done by means other than the legal representative’s customer portal, the authorisation granted to the person performing the registration.

Registration of a service location is closely linked to registration of the service provider. The following section provides more information.


Definition of service location:

With regard to connecting with the NTDSC, a service location is a site providing one or more services involving accommodation, catering or a  tourist attraction (including at the same time).


When entering sectoral data (accommodation, catering establishment, tourist attraction), the NTDSC registration process is continued in the modules selected during registration, where the sector-specific data related to the services must be entered as described below:

  • for accommodation providers, details on the accommodation site(s) they operate;
  • for catering establishment operators, details on the catering establishment(s) they operate;
  • for tourist attraction operators, details on the attraction(s) they operate.


After the service is recorded, the NTDSC generates an individual ID (NTDSC registration number) for the service provider for the purpose of record keeping.

The NTDSC registration numbers of accommodation locations registered before 1 November 2021 will remain unchanged.



The data to be provided by authorised NTDSC users for each  accommodation location are listed below:

  1. name of location,
  2. detailed address,
  3. type of accommodation as defined by law (one of 8 categories);
  4. classification;
  5. contact person’s mailing address,
  6. contact person’s telephone number,
  7. contact person’s e-mail address,
  8. details on places and capacity (number of rooms, beds, extra beds),
  9. starting date of activity;
  10. type of operation (does the operator own the property?).

If any changes occur in the data which were entered when registering, the accommodation operator must record the change in the NTDSC within 8 days of its occurrence. If the NTDSC operator learns of any change to the data of an accommodation location or accommodation operator with a data reporting obligation as registered in the NTDSC, by means of official data reporting or notification by the accommodation operator, he is entitled to change the data in the NTDSC if the accommodation operator has not done so within 8 days.



The data to be provided by authorised NTDSC users for each catering establishment are listed below:

  1. name of catering establishment,
  2. detailed address,
  3. the type of catering establishment, as defined by the government decree on the conditions for the performance of certain commercial activities (one of 11 types; see Annex 4 to Government Decree 210/2009 of 29 September);
  4. contact person’s mailing address,
  5. contact person’s telephone number,
  6. contact person’s e-mail address,
  7. starting date of activity;
  8. capacity data;
  9. records data;
  10. additional data pertaining to the nature of the service.

If any changes occur in the data which were entered when registering, the catering establishment operator must record the change in the NTDSC within 8 days of its occurrence. If the NTDSC operator learns of any change to the data of a catering establishment or catering establishment operator with a data reporting obligation as registered in the NTDSC by means of official data reporting or notification by the catering establishment operator, he is entitled to change the data in the NTDSC if the catering establishment operator has not done so within 8 days.



The data to be provided by authorised NTDSC users for the tourist attraction(s) they operate are listed below:

  1. name of tourist attraction;
  2. detailed address;
  3. classification as defined by law;
  4. contact person’s mailing address;
  5. contact person’s telephone number;
  6. contact person’s e-mail address,
  7. the tourism services available in the given service location;
  8. general data;
  9. information related to infrastructure;
  10. business data;
  11. information concerning accessibility;
  12. starting date of activity.

If any changes occur in the data which were entered when registering, the tourist attraction operator must record the change in the NTDSC within 8 days of its occurrence. If the NTDSC operator learns of any change to the data of a tourist attraction or tourist attraction operator with a data reporting obligation as registered in the NTDSC by means of official data reporting or notification by the tourist attraction operator, he is entitled to change the data in the NTDSC if the tourist attraction operator has not done so within 8 days.