User authorisations in NTDSC

Pursuant to Section 4(1) of Government Decree No. 235/2019 (X. 15) on the implementation of Act CLVI of 2016 on the State’s Responsibilities Regarding the Development of Tourism Regions, the operator of NTDSC shall draw up a User Policy which shall be made public on the electronic interface of NTDSC.

NTDSC users may have the authorisations defined in this User Policy.


1. Administrator

Administrator is a person who, in accordance with Section 5 of Government Decree No. 235/2019 (X. 15), is entitled to register in NTDSC a given accommodation service provider (i.e. the business association providing the service defined in Section 2(23) of Act CLXIV of 2005 on Trade, including companies, private individuals registered with the tax authority for pursuing their activity, or private entrepreneurs), or to modify or delete – as necessary – the data provided.

In NTDSC, Administrators are authorised to:

  • add new and manage existing accommodation service providers;
  • add new and manage existing accommodation establishments;
  • manage users, allocate roles;
  • query statistical statements.

Pursuant to Section 5(7) of Government Decree No. 235/2019 (X. 15) on the implementation of Act CLVI of 2016 on the State’s Responsibilities Regarding the Development of Tourism Regions, the natural person performing the registration is entitled – in the course of registration and subsequently – to enter additional users for the given accommodation in NTDSC in accordance with this User Policy.


2. Allocation of further authorisations, adding users

Users with Administrator privileges have full-scale authorisations with respect to all accommodation establishments of a specific accommodation provider. There might be a need for users who only have access to the data of specific accommodation establishments in NTDSC with edit or read only privileges; therefore, the Administrator has an option to enter users with restricted privileges for specific accommodation establishments of an accommodation service provider.

The Administrator can add new users by pressing the NEW USERS button in the NTDSC / USERS menu option.

For adding a new user, the following must be provided:

  • the user’s e-mail address to which the system sends the invitation;
  • the accommodation establishment to which the user should be assigned;
  • the role, i.e. the privileges that should be assigned to the user at the specific accommodation establishment.

As is the case with the Administrator role, users added with restricted privileges are identified and logged into the NTDSC system by way of the Citizen Portal (Central Authentication Agent) service after the user has accepted the link with the invitation. Please remember that before opening the link, you need to completely close and then re-open your browser for security reasons, especially if different people are also planning to accept their respective invitations on the same computer.

Additional authorisations to further accommodation establishments can only be given to a specific user after the user has opened the link in the first invitation and successfully logged into NTDSC.


2.1 Accommodation manager

In NTDSC, Accommodation Managers are authorised to:

  • view the accommodation establishments assigned to them;
  • edit the data of the accommodation establishments assigned to them;
  • query statistical statements.

2.2 Data user

In NTDSC, Data Users are authorised to:

  • view the accommodation establishments assigned to them;
  • query statistical statements.