National Tourism Data Supply Centre (NTDSC)
The largest and most comprehensive development of the tourism industry sector so far was launched in 2019.. The digital platform operating under the supervision of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (HTA) gives a real-time overview of the anonymous turnover statistics of all Hungarian accommodation establishments. Analyses are drawn up from the data received directly from property management systems in order to support data-driven decision-making in the tourism industry. NTDSC also plays a prominent role in whitening the tourism industry sector as, indeed, both the regionally competent local governments and the National Tax and Customs Administration (NTCA) have access to the datasets relevant to their operations.
We now know exactly how foreign tourists come for holidays in Hungary
With the connection of catering establishments and tourist attractions to the online data reporting service, the tourism sector will be entirely digitalised by the summer. According to László Könnyid, deputy CEO responsible for tourism at the Hungarian Tourism Agency (HTA), real-time information bolsters fast decision making and also provides a competitive advantage in rebuilding the tourism sector.
Joint statement for the data-driven tourism of the future
Starting from November, catering establishments and tourist attractions will also join the National Tourism Data Supply Centre (NTDSC), ensuring that Hungary’s most comprehensive, real-time big database will help the development of the Hungarian tourism sector. These goals were affirmed by the signing of a joint statement by the Hungarian Tourism Agency and major representatives of the profession.